
Latest OpenTofu news and updates from our core dev team members.

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Terraform Files and Folder Structure: Organizing Infrastructure-as-Code

Terraform Files and Folder Structure: Organizing Infrastructure-as-Code

Discover best practices for Terraform configuration files and folder structures to optimize your IaC workflow and avoid future complex reorganizations.
Terraform Destroy Command: A Guide to Controlled Infrastructure Removal

Terraform Destroy Command: A Guide to Controlled Infrastructure Removal

In this post, we cover best practices and considerations to ensure the effective and safe execution of 'terraform destroy' within your infrastructure management processes.
Environment Discovery: Automatic Environment Creation from Your Git Workflow

Environment Discovery: Automatic Environment Creation from Your Git Workflow

With Environment Discovery, you can maintain your directory-based structure in your VCS. This enables you to use your existing approval workflows, take advantage of CodeOwners, ensure auditability, and stay aligned with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) best practices!
Top Infrastructure as Code Tools and Terraform Alternatives

Top Infrastructure as Code Tools and Terraform Alternatives

In this post, we've selected a range of the most popular IaC tools to provide a quick overview of the IaC ecosystem and help you find the option best suited for your organization or project.
Using Terraform, Kubernetes, and Helm: The Power Trio

Using Terraform, Kubernetes, and Helm: The Power Trio

Learn how to use env0 to create a unified platform that combines Kubernetes scalability with Terraform's provisioning strength and Helm's deployment dexterity!
Announcing Self-Hosted Remote State and Remote Apply

Announcing Self-Hosted Remote State and Remote Apply

We introduce two new improvements to our ‘Remote Backend’ - ‘Self-Hosted Remote State’ and ‘Remote Apply’, both addressing common requests from our customers.
Unpacking OpenTofu: Expert Panel on GA Release, Licensing, and OSS Future

Unpacking OpenTofu: Expert Panel on GA Release, Licensing, and OSS Future

In this ‘X Space’ panel industry experts explore OpenTofu's journey, licensing considerations in engineering, and Infrastructure-as-Code OSS future.
Celebrating OpenTofu GA With Our New CI Testing Feature!

Celebrating OpenTofu GA With Our New CI Testing Feature!

OpenTofu is now generally available as a stable, tested, production-ready Terraform alternative! To support the release we are rolling CI Testing, leveraging the new 'tofu test' capability!
OpenTofu: The Open Source Terraform Alternative

OpenTofu: The Open Source Terraform Alternative

In this post, we delve into OpenTofu and answer all of the most frequently asked questions about the project.
A Complete Guide  to Terraform Cloud Pricing

A Complete Guide to Terraform Cloud Pricing

In this guide, we will take a deep dive into TFC's new pricing model, review its implications and discuss the pros and cons of the new pricing scheme.
OpenTofu Release Candidate Drops, env0 Wraps It Up With Terragrunt Support

OpenTofu Release Candidate Drops, env0 Wraps It Up With Terragrunt Support

OpenTofu release candidate is out and we also rolled out env0 support for Terragrunt in OpenTofu deployments! GA is scheduled for Jan 10th.
OpenTofu Launches Into Beta with Homebrew-inspired Registry

OpenTofu Launches Into Beta with Homebrew-inspired Registry

The release introduces several bug fixes, security improvements, and updates to documentation, the details of which you can find in our change log. Most importantly, it marks the introduction of our new OpenTofu public registry!
Tutorial: How to Manage Terraform Versioning

Tutorial: How to Manage Terraform Versioning

Each release of Terraform brings with it new features and functionality, but also potential breaking changes. Here is how to choose well.
OpenTofu Alpha Launches: Try It Out in Just 3 Clicks

OpenTofu Alpha Launches: Try It Out in Just 3 Clicks

We are excited to announce the launch of OpenTofu alpha version and our new integration feature, which you can use for testing.
What the Fork?! My 6 Takeaways from the Linux Foundation Keynote at OSS 2023

What the Fork?! My 6 Takeaways from the Linux Foundation Keynote at OSS 2023

The Open Source Summit this year really came at quite the time. These are just a few of its many highlights.
 OpenTF Joins The Linux Foundation as OpenTofu!

OpenTF Joins The Linux Foundation as OpenTofu!

What began as a mere idea and a handful of individuals burning the midnight oil to craft a manifesto just a few weeks ago has swiftly evolved into a full-fledged Linux Foundation project.
A Beautiful Process: Recap of Reaction to OpenTF

A Beautiful Process: Recap of Reaction to OpenTF

OpenTF became a focal point for extensive media coverage, heated debates, and insightful conversations. In this post, I’ll try to recap some of these, in a way that (I hope) would provide helpful context for people new to this story. 
The OpenTF Repo is Now Public!

The OpenTF Repo is Now Public!

The latest milestone in the OpenTF journey is the release of OpenTF’s public repository. Within the first 12 hours, the repo already reached over 2,700 stars...
Announcing OpenTF Fork of Terraform

Announcing OpenTF Fork of Terraform

We’re proud to announce an open-source fork of Terraform called OpenTF. We also completed all documents to become part of the Linux Foundation. Details about the next steps and FAQs are inside.
What HashiCorp’s License Change Means for env0 Customers

What HashiCorp’s License Change Means for env0 Customers

On August 10th, HashiCorp made an important announcement, signaling a shift in its product licensing strategy. Here's what env0 customers need to know.
The OpenTF Manifesto

The OpenTF Manifesto

Essential building blocks of the Internet, such as Linux, Kubernetes, and Terraform need to be truly open source: that's the only way to ensure that we are building on top of solid and predictable underpinnings.