Case Studies

Learn why env0 is the platform of choice for managing Infrastructure as Code at scale.

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SumerSports Adds Developer Self-Services, Streamlines Complex Deployments

"When we got our bearings, we could chain environments together and have everything deploy in a sequence that makes sense."

Virgin Boosts Dev Velocity, Reliability and Cost Controls

"We can now maintain a large number of projects, and env0 ensures that the process is scalable, especially when we have to deal with multiple cloud accounts."

ActiveFence Centralizes and Optimizes IaC Management

"Using env0, we now can provide an infrastructure to our developers, allowing us to focus on what’s important."

Salt Security Empowers Developers and Cuts Cost

"env0 allows us to enforce policies on specific environments without the need to constantly check and manually deactivate/activate them."

Infura Switches to env0, Boosts Security and Efficiency, Cuts Costs

"With env0, we not only reduced our costs but also found a more secure, fast, and reliable way to manage Terraform deployment pipelines."

ZipCo Doubles Deployment Velocity via Unlimited Concurrency

"With env0, that time has been drastically cut, coupled with the fact we no longer need to deploy in a linear fashion and can now deploy multiple environments simultaneously."

Pleo Improves Drift Detection and IaC Governance

"We chose env0 to manage all of our AWS Terraform-based deployments. Thanks to env0, we can now collaborate and manage our environments, leveraging GitOps and governance workflows."

CyberSec Company Reduces Lead Time for Changes by 99%

“By adopting env0, we've cut down infrastructure deployment times from weeks to just 30 minutes. env0 lets us work smoothly and efficiently; it's GitOps made for infrastructure.”