Hey, env0 fans! I have an awesome quick update for you, today. We’re happy to announce that we now support Slack notifications!
No doubt you have probably at least heard of slack before. I would even wager a guess that you are part of at least one Slack workspace, if not many! There are lots of apps and integrations with slack to help it be used as your one-stop-shop for all things with your teams. Well, as of right now, you can now enable env0 notifications right to any slack channel you want!

Above is an example of a series of notifications where I deployed two environments in two separate projects (Production and Development). Production waited for manual approval, while Development deployed automatically. Once I approved the Production deployment, it completed as well. This is great for productivity, and for making sure your deployments go well. You can also jump right to the deployment simply by clicking on the environment name inside the slack notification:

But, what happens if there is an error from the deployment? No sweat, we’ll drop that into slack, too!

All of this can be yours TODAY in the env0 platform! Want detailed instructions on how to set this up in your Slack workspace? Check out the product documentation here.