We receive personal data about you as a candidate for positions at the Company, such as: contact information, address, Curriculum Vitae (resumé) information (including information such as skills, work experience, education), notes submitted with the application, URL of your LinkedIn and other online profiles, the position for which you have been or are being considered, the source who submitted your candidacy (e.g., recruiting agency, referral), email correspondences between you, the Company and between the Company and other sources (such as recruiting agency and referrals) about your candidacy, information from references, events in the lifecycle of your candidacy, your responses to questionnaires sent to you by us, information about your candidacy and employment options (such as availability to be hired and salary expectations), evaluations of your candidacy, internal discussions within the Company about your candidacy, materials you or other parties (such as evaluators or background check providers) submitted in relation to your candidacy and any other personal information that you have provided to us, either by email or during a conversation with our team or via any other communication channel, during your recruitment process. If you submit your candidacy by email, or online, then you are the main source of the personal data. Your personal data can also originate from other sources, such as LinkedIn profile, recruitment agencies, headhunters and referrals.